BBC News

The BBC has found that some online sites are prescribing men a hair loss drug that has potentially risky side effects without ongoing safety checks.
Side effects of finasteride can include suicidal thoughts and impotence, however, some large brand companies will ship the pills out without seeing or communicating with the customer.
We explored by hearing stories from men across Your voice, your news BBCField
Kyle, who is 26 and from Wakefield, regrets buying pills online after filling out a tick form.
He says his life was turned upside down by an all-too-common decision.
Kyle started taking finasteride last spring after it was recommended to him by a friend who was on it.
He says he did a little research beforehand, but purchasing it online was easy.
“I just Googled it and it came up with all these online pharmacies,” says Kyle.
“It's everywhere. It’s so easily accessible.”
The prescription pills arrived on his doorstep within a week of ordering them.
“I did not consult a doctor. No zoom meetings. I didn't have to send them any photos or anything like that to confirm that I had male pattern baldness.
“I started this and, yes – it was the biggest mistake of my life.”
Since he's been on the medication, Kyle says he's had problems with his sexual, mental and physical health—issues he'd never dealt with and that have persisted since he stopped the medications.
“Life just feels gray. It’s like, it castrated my emotions,” says Kyle.
“It’s just stripped away from me – my whole personality and everything. I stopped hanging out with my mates, stopped playing football and started having all these problems.”

Finasteride is one of the most common hair loss pills, taken by tens of thousands of men in the UK. It is only available by private prescription.
It works by stopping testosterone from being converted into another hormone called dihydrotosterone (DHT), which can stop hair from growing.
Kyle took it for about six weeks but stopped after experiencing problems, including suicidal thoughts.
In late April 2024 – just weeks after Kyle received his prescription – UK regulators took urgent action on finasteride, saying Packages must contain a special security alert card Warning: There is a small risk of serious side effects, including suicidal ideation and sexual dysfunction.
After being contacted by others such as Kyle via Your voice, your news BBCWe asked a male colleague to buy finasteride from three leading online providers to see what the checks were doing now.
Online prescribing HIMS mentioned side effects.
Superdrug has also offered the option to chat with a doctor – it costs extra.
Only the boot pharmacy asked for a photo of hair loss.
When some packages appeared, none included the new patient alert card that drug makers asked to be added.
Embarrassment factor
The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency says manufacturers have been given up to a year, but it may still take longer as old packs will have to be sold before new ones with an advice card are available.
Boots, HIM and SuperDrug say customers of online finasteride are asked to confirm that they have read and understand the possible risks.
They say that until alert cards are “rolled out” and packages are implemented, users can read lengthy patient information already included in the drug to learn about side effects.
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society says online prescribing can be very helpful for many patients, especially if they are too embarrassed to see a doctor. But checks must be reliable.
James Davies, director of RPS England, told BBC News: “It's really important that whether online or face-to-face, these thorough checks happen.
“This means a full medical history is taken, it is possible to understand the medication that may be prescribed, side effects, risks and benefits.”
He said sharing photos of your hair loss with your prescriber and having a video call to discuss any concerns can be helpful.
British Association for Hair Restoration Surgery (Bahrs) believes that patients should not receive the drug by simply filling out an online formField
Greg Williams, a hair transplant surgeon and vice president of Bahrs, says that while Finsasteride is a good treatment for many, the small chance of serious side effects needs to be explained.
“There are some patients who have risk factors that may make finasteride a risky prescription. “I’m not saying it can’t be prescribed, but patients need to be properly counseled.”
The European medicines regulator is conducting its own review of the safety of finasteride, which may include a banField
Almost a year since he first ordered the drug, Kyle says he deeply regrets taking finasteride.
“It's just a little pill. You accept it and don't think about what it can do to you,” he says.
“Every day I beat myself up saying, 'You had a perfect life, you didn't have to risk anything on your hair.'
“It was in vain considering me… but when you become insecure, you do stupid things.
“If I had known about what he could do, I would never have taken it.”