Photo: John Pack/Apple TV+
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Seven Houseboard Questions This is a weekly attempt to digest the events of one of the most confusing television shows, highlighting the strangest, most confusing and most important unresolved problems after each episode. There will be theories. Many will be upset.
Well, this answers some of our questions asked last week. Not all, but some. And this also gives rise to a bunch of new ones. Houseboard I will do it.
“Goodbye, Mrs. Selvig,” – Second series of the second seasonHe moves us to the world of outies to see what happened after the events of the finals of the first season. We saw many things that explained what happened in The premiere of the season. Now we know – As expected – That Milchik lied about everything, from the deadlines and groups to the lighting of the MDR uprising in the media. We got an idea of why and how various team members decided to return to Lumon even after … in total. We managed to see Milchik on a motorcycle. It was an hour of television.
As always, the most important questions can be found below. Expect here to see the phrase “Kold-Harbor” during the season, and Mark will become more suspicious of the death (“death”) of his wife Dzhemma. And expect to see many wild assumptions about what the hell, Helly conceived. In general, expect a lot of wild speculation.
At the moment, we know two things …
(1) Judging by the image at the end of the first episode, Kold-Harbor is a kind of program based on Lumon, in which the MDR team and experiments conducted on Jamma or the like it are involved. Mark recorded his small numbers in his cell, “68 percent” was written there, then we immediately moved to the screen with her face, another “68 percent” and various other vital indicators. So, let's assume this connection.
(2) Mark is so important for the project that he was not only recruited to Lumon, using all kinds of psychological tricks, when the rest of the team was fired, but returned his entire team, including Helli R., more about this in a minute – when it became clear that he will not finish without them.
So, knowing or at least assuming these two things that remains with us with Kold Harbor, a project in which Lyumon, apparently, was very, very, very much? Part of me wants to say that they are trying to clone a new jamma of nothing-goats, etc.-and look at whether Mark and Jamma will someday when their brains are chopped off to check how effective this procedure is. . Part of me wonders if Mark was the key to all this longer than he realizes, and Lumon actually staged an autocatastrophe to erase Jamma and lure him. And some of me are asked by the question, maybe I need to get out of the system for a while before I start to mumble something like: “Lumon exhumed the body of Jamma after the first accident of Mark with a freshman, because it showed them that he, according to essence, neo of Matrix And they want to use his strength for capitalist and/or vile purposes, before he understands what kind of control he has, ”while I wander aimlessly at the grocery store.
You know the same one. The one when she saw an entry from surveillance cameras, where her Inni kisses with Inni Mark. And the same, although a little more distant, she gave the Mark Outie from her corporate number when he parked and entered the building. This look.
After the first episode, there was a lot of talk about whether it was Innie Helly there, on a severed floor, or her outie was sent as a spy. I decided to act from the position that it was her Inni, at least at that moment, only because (a) we have not yet seen any evidence that something from this can be safely turned back (Rip, Peti) Or, at least, something that can be circumvented and (b) Auti Helli will need enormous preparation and acting abilities to learn everything that Inni knows, feels and thinks, and present all this believable to three people who know Its is best. . I am ready to admit that here I can be wrong. But so far this is what I am doing.
But this leads us to a more serious question: if there was Inni Helly, why did her Outie return? Here we see several potential answers. Firstly, Helly's Outie is also a little manipulated by the board of directors and various gray-haired figures in her life, and that, perhaps, in this business there is something else, where the billionaire, the heiress of the powerful secret conglomerate, decided to do a planned operation for her own will on her own will the brain and spend eight hours a day, working in prison.
The second is just a natural human curiosity. Maybe she’s lonely outside. Perhaps she saw her Inni kissed her brand, and this tied her into the knot. Maybe she wants the same that her Inni has, or maybe she at least wants to know what Inni feels her.
I hope that she will begin to try to visit Mark on the street to find out if there is chemistry there. It would be funny. For example, that if they arranged all this only to tell us a sweet little Hallmark story about how their outies fell in love with a pumpkin site? People would be furious.
I mean, a little, right? I introduced him behind the wheel of a luxurious sedan or, perhaps, a black SUV, as a villain from a spy film. I seemed to imagine how he has a driver who carries him everywhere and lifts him ominously and lowers the rear window while he delivers messages to people. I don’t know why I thought so. The male was his boss, and she drives a clumsy little hatchback. Perhaps my mustache deceived me. I am often confused by a mustache.
Here's another thing: when you saw him on a motorcycle in a leather jacket and a darkened helmet, at least for a second you thought that he was going to commit a murder? Perhaps I looked too many militants. I don’t even know who, in my opinion, he was going to shoot, possibly from automatic weapons when he jumped to them and turned the rear wheel of his motorcycle. We know that Dylan and Irving survived, because later they appeared on the chopped floor. Yes, I definitely saw too many militants.
In any case, let's continue and add a “separate episode of the history of Milchik’s origin” to the list of what I am now interested to see. Motorcycles will do this.
Let's check Berta:
– He left Lyumon.
– He spent the evening well with his partner.
– A strange man appeared in his house and began to knock on the door, shouting his name.
-Judging by the time of disconnecting overtime work, the man, apparently, had no idea what was happening by the time Bert opened the door.
– Over the next few days, a series of unknown events occurred.
-Now he follows a strange person around the city and eavesdropping at a distance when mysterious calls come from automans.
I don’t know why, but I believe that the development of the situation with Bert is the most exciting thing that is happening in the series now. I hope he someday explains all this in a monologue. Maybe I just want to listen to the performance of Christopher Waken. These feelings can be connected.
My policy is never trusted by anything that Milchik says, this week was very well justified for a number of reasons, including, among other things, “not five months have passed between the MDR uprising and their return” and “Ms. Milchik did not trust anything, which says Milchik “. Kobel was not fired for trying to involve Mark in the Innie/Outie scandal. ” In fact, the exact opposite happened: she was offered a new job in the new department as gratitude for her loyalty and/or as a way to control her, given everything that she now knows.
But what becomes interesting: she still really wants to be on this severed floor. And we never received a complete explanation of why she led a double life on the street, in the house next to the house of Mark. And she really seems to have lost a little self -control when Mark drove her into a corner to ask about Jamma, at least to the extent that screams, beeps and pressing the gas pedal are considered a loss of self -control, which, I believe, is so And there is.
This can happen in different ways. I really do not have the theory about this, which would be reasonable enough to print it in a published article. But please do not boast in the comments.
I know that the most important conclusion from the interview of Dilan is that there is Stigma for people who have undergone a weekend procedure, and that this stigma can make employees feel stuck in Lumon because their other employment prospects are limited. But all that I could think about while he was there is about the quality of the doors produced by Great Doors, from which he interviewed.
Perhaps the doors are really great. But all I say is that if you start the door business and produce, for example, B/B-doors, the name of your company Great Doors would be a good small marketing strategy. Potential customers are looking for where to buy the best doors, and then, cheers, Greatdoors Dot Com. “God,” they will think. “I was just looking for a good door. But now I really want one of these wonderful … “
As devilishly as everything that Lemon has ever done.
There are a couple of things here …
– If we take Milchik, who says that he has 48 hours to assemble a new MDR team, and Mark V., screaming at the exit, that they were there for only three days, then we will take into account a small space for the maneuver for various unknown people, we It is probably that we can assume that between the events of the final of the first season and the premiere of the second season, about a week passed.
– Between the decision to return the old MDR team and their first day passed even less time, judging by the delivery of pineapple on Milchik motorcycles.
This would mean that Lumon collected all this ridiculous learning video with a dizzying speed solely to deceive several employees when viewing, presumably using funny computers of the 1980s, which seem to use everything in the office.
Please add: “The Lumon team, which makes these videos, receives this urgent task and has 24 hours for its assembly, Complete with the narrative from the film star of the first magnitude of Keanu Reeveswhich, until we are provided with information that clearly excludes this, we can pretend that it exists in Houseboard The universe is available for voice work at the last minute ”in the list of individual episodes that I would like to see. I agree to the installation.